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The Gebhardt Family


1.  Joan and her husband Fred have lived in Livonia over 26 years. 2.  The Gebhardts have a son Steve and a daughter Jennifer (Jen) 3.   Joan is so proud to be a grandma of Lindsay Jean, who just turned one.

Around The Town With Joan

1.  Joan's plan includes protecting our police and fire.  A safe and security city is is #1. 2.  She couldn't resist a connection with the past... 3.  This fire truck is behind Fire Station #6 on Plymouth near Newburgh.
4.  Families First!  Protecting and Preserving the neighborhood communities is a top priority.   5.  Joan meets regularly with senior citizens at the Livonia Civic Senior Center
Send mail to rlmiga@mrmiga.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2005 Friends Of Joan Gebhardt P.O. Box 51001, Livonia, Michigan 48151-5001
Last modified: 10/05/05      Site Developed and maintained by Synergistic Solutions